Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Me Hairs Are Lighter...

In more ways than one. First, Aaron gave me a nice color job. After a minor upset during the first try (followed by a major crying jag), the second time turned out quite nice. I have now ridded my head of dark and unsightly roots, replaced by a beautiful blonde. I believe I have found myself a new and much more reasonably priced hair dresser :-) Second, I got a little haircut yesterday. Ah, my layers are refreshed, and the curls are much happier. My hair feels so much lighter and fluffier. Anyway, my apologies for a long overdue blog. I have been busy with holiday hubub, and haven't had much time to write. However, I am definitely back into my normal writing habits. So, with New Year's coming up this week, I want to know not what your "resolutions" are, but what are you hoping to reasonably accomplish in the coming year? Might it be more couch time watching movies, or perhaps less trips to the gym (snicker, snicker)?? Or, if you're super-industrious, maybe you're looking to have a grandiose raise, a big promotion, an engament to a sweetheart. Whatever it is, let me know!

Until tomorrow (or the day after)......

Friday, December 10, 2004

Christmas Parties= Drunk Ass Co-Workers

Yes, I have written again. I am guilty of being negligent for a whole week! Sorry! So, as you can assume from the title of this... Christmas parties are upon us. The craziest usually being the work party. Yikes! All of the people that you see all week long put together in one room with the added bonus of alcohol. Scarry mix! Tomorrow night I have my Christmas party for work, and later in the evening, one for family and friends. I am anticipating interesting things... all of which I will report back here later on. For my personal party, we are doing a white elephant gift exchange. For those of you who do not know what that is, it basically involves bring the cheesiest present you can find, and then you pull numbers to do an exchange. These presents are those rivaled at the dingiest of thrift stores, and pretty dang funny. That way, no one spends a lot of money, and no ones feelings get hurt when people laugh at their presents. Crazy! Anyway, share with me your Christmas Party experiences... I look forward to hearing them!


Thursday, December 02, 2004

Winter Greens Are Supreme...

That's right. It is getting in to the time of year where that wonderful smell of Christmas greenery is everywhere. Mmm... I love it! They are decorating our office today with all sorts of wreaths and other pretty "stuff." Let the festivities begin! I am looking forward to getting our tree this weekend. It should be wonderful! I am also going to a Ladies Christmas tea in Tillamook this weekend with all of the special ladies in my life. Yay! Hopefully it will be fun :-) Well, if anybody actually reads this, I look forward to hearing about what neat things you have planned for this holiday season! Let the festivities begin!!!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Great Turkey Delight!

Hear Ye, Hear Ye... Turkey Day is almost here! You know what that means... a long weekend, good food (and lots of it!), visiting with family, football, and day-after shopping (or, for me, 3 days after shopping!). So, I thought I would let you all know what I am thankful for:

My fiance- I love you honey, and can't wait to be your wife!
My family- Mom, Brother, Stepdad, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, cousins, family-to-be- luv ya all!!
My friends- Might as well be family. You're the best!
My dogs-Sidney & Champy... mommy loves you!
My Country- Damned proud to be free!
Those who are not here with us on earth- but are now guardian angels... love you, Dad!

Hey...Thanksgiving is the time to give mushy thanks! Have a great weekend!!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Love Me Some Tight Abs...

That's right, ladies and gentlemen. I have gone back to the gym. Ugh! Add this to the many things that I dislike doing, but enjoy the end result. I am trying to get there on my lunch breaks to do my 25 minutes of cardio, and then about 20 minutes of weights. I am SORE! Oh well, maybe I can lose a few by Christmas. That is, if I don't eat us out of house-and-home by the time all of the holiday goodies roll around. I figure it could go either way, I could be looking more svelte when Silver Bells are ringing next month, or I could have an extra roll around the ole' waistline. I'm hoping for the first option :-) Anyway... to answer Barbara's question... I am still working at the marketing place. If it involves marketing architectural or engineering services- I am all over it! Glad to hear that you're doing the whole exhibit stuff too, Barbara. Let's bitch about setting up tradeshow booths. This things a monster! If it were designed by a woman, it would have been way easier. But noooooo, it has to have a bizillion parts that you like have to assemble by raising your left leg, while patting your head and rubbing your tummy with your right hand. Boo Hiss! Oh well, enough complaining on my part. I am off to celebrate the opening of the newest 80-plex theatre. Free admission and snackies! Woo Hoo! I will give a semi-official movie rating tomorrow. I know you're all waiting anxiously on the edges of your seats. Well, be good little boys and girls and check back tomorrow :-)

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Bella, Bella

OK, so I don't know why I called this post Bella, Bella... other than I love that word! Maybe it was a subconcious flow of my yearning for a latte from the new "Bella Espresso" shop by my work. Mmmm...coffee and italian desserts. Anyway, last weekend was nice, if not a little hurried. It always goes by too fast. This week at work is all right- yesterday was fairly slow, but the rest of the week should be a lot busier. I have to work a tradeshow downtown (have I mentioned that I HATE setting up tradeshow booths???), and then I have webinars to watch, meetings to have, drone work to do. Yippee! The good news is that sunshine will soon be returning, which means that we can all slowly move out of our dry caves and see the outside world again. I honestly don't care if it is freezing outside, as long as the sun is shining! Anyway, if anyone's out there and cares, leave me a comment. Please, I'm begging you :-)

Monday, November 08, 2004

4-Day Work Week!!!!

Yes, it is true. Today is Monday, but really, it is my Tuesday! Goody!! I am taking Friday off to go to the beach for a couple of days...yay! We will be spending time with family at a beach house celebrating birthdays, eating, relaxing, and being general beach bums. Anyway, not a lot going on in my end of the world. Work is crazy-busy, and to top it off, we have construction going on right next to my cubicle. Joy of joys. Oh well- it drowns out the drone of my co-workers ;-) So, tonight I am going to go check out the new mall that is right by my work (how convenient is that!). Mostly, I am excited for this new place called "Bella Espresso." This place is fashioned after an Italian cafe, and it is gorgeous! And, the most exciting part, they have gelatto! Yippee! It is so hard to find that on the West Coast, and now there is a place so close that sells it. OK, I may be pathetic, but at least I am easy to please! Well, happy week to y'all :-)

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

George is in the House... Ya Baby!

OK, all of you more liberally-minded folks, close your eyes now. Danger, Danger... conservative speaking! All right, now that we have that taken care of, can I have a Hip Hip Hooray! Election Day is over, and GW is back! And boy am I glad. Don't get me wrong, it is not that I am a huge Bush fan, it is just that I really didn't like Kerry, and I really, really, really didn't like his wife. Yikes! Anyway, the votes are in, the concessions and acceptances made, and let's get down to business. I say that this will really open the door to take care of Iraq, and that we are going to stop fighting a PC war now. I guess we will wait and see. Besides all of that, I am excited because it is actually beautiful weather here in Oregon. It is cold, but sunny! And supossed to be that way for days! Yeah! Makes me excited for the holidays, as I am not believing that we are already in November. But Aaron and I are already making holiday plans for decorating, etc. Yes, we are pathetic, but we enjoy every minute of it :-) Well, hope y'all are doing good, and I look forward to getting comments from you (yes, you have to sign up. do it, it takes like 2 minutes, and will allow you to make neat-o comments).

Monday, November 01, 2004

Ode to Monday...

Monday, oh Monday. Why must you be? Could we skip straight to Thursday, how difficult could that be? You bring a cold, rainy mist, which really leaves me feeling pissed. My hair went flat, my heels go splat, through the puddles in the parking lot.

OK, but really, I wont be a total whiner. Yes, the day was depressing, grouchy, etc. But hey, that's all right. I am still going to be maintaining my happy-go-lucky attitude. No sarcasm, no criticism. Don't laugh! I'm trying here. Any upbeat comments would be helpful :-)

Signing out for today- S.

Friday, October 29, 2004

It's Friday, Friday....

Hey Y'All-

Indeedy, it is Friday. And I am soooooo glad! I am looking forward to a weekend of showing off puppy costumes, cute trick-or-treaters and hopefully some time with friends :-) So, today I am thinking about:

  • The elections (still, of course)
  • Will there be a terror attack on or near the elections (with the release of the new bin Laden tape, I wonder if this is another hoax or could it be real. They've come out with so many things since 911, but yet, I cannot ignore these thoughts after what happened before).
  • Can I color my hair the color blonde that I want to? I mean, the tips are the perfect color, but the roots need improvement. Maybe my honey will help me :-)
  • How can I make extra money for Christmas presents and a trip to San Francisco. Is it true that money really grows on trees?? If so, I need directions!!

Well, enough ponderings for one afternoon. I am outta here (yes, an hour and a half early. but hey, it's Friday!)

Talk to you all Monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2004

My Babies Looking Sooooo Cute!! Posted by Hello


Yes, it is Thursday. Generally I enjoy this day, as it is almost Friday. But alas, today I am going to the dentist for a tooth that is being a major pain in my... mouth. This is our second attempt at fixing the cavity, and hopefully we can avoid a root canal (please, please!). Aside from that, I am being amused by the following things:
  • The drama on The Bachelor (Jayne is a complete nut job!!)
  • The excitement building up to the elections... yes, I am one of the weird ones who enjoys politics (GW!GW!)
  • My dogs in their Halloween costumes... they are so beautiful, adorable, cute, squeezable, etc.
  • My Aunt Berdie flying cross-country for the first time! To Georgia, nonetheless... Go Berdie!
  • The prospect of eating mucho Halloween candy this weekend. Mmm...candy

These are my thoughts as of 11:35 am...guaranteed to change by 11:36 am (I am a woman, after all- hear me roar...er...change my mind constantly)

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Hear Ye...Hear Ye...Summer is in da House!

Ah... so you've found my blog. Wonderful, spectacular, amazing, outstanding, etc. This is a place where I will post my daily musings about work, home, dogs, politics, etc. Feel free to comment (often) and share your views on MY views. Welcome, and y'all come back soon... you hear??